🏘 Skövde, Sweden

🌐 https://bryancc.ch

[email protected]

🧑🏽‍🦱 Personal Statement

Passionate gamer from Switzerland, currently working as a software engineer consultant for Piktiv AB. Looking for a full-time position as a UX researcher/designer, data analyst or game programmer in the UK or central Europe.

🏫 Education

  1. MSc in GUX Research and Game Development | University of Skövde | Aug ****2021- Aug 2023

    Master's degree in game development with a focus on Game User Experience. Learned the process of developing a game while taking into consideration the experience of the player to guide the development of the game.

  2. BSc in Software Engineering | HES-SO (Uni. of Western Switzerland) | sept. 2016 - sept. 2019

    Bachelor of Science in software engineering. Besides major programming languages (C++, Java, Javascript) I learned database management theory, but I have also been introduced to the fundamentals of statistics and data representations.

👔 Experience

  1. Software engineer consultant | Piktiv AB | Jan 2023 - present

    As a consultant in Piktiv, I actively participated in the development of the main client’s project in the financial technology (”fintech”) domain, mainly working with Java frameworks and Amazon cloud environments (AWS). I quickly gained a lot of experience in both software engineering and team management.

  2. Freelance UX researcher | Battlebrew Production | Nov 2023

    Organised by myself and out of my initiative, I did an independent research on “Cuisineer” from Battlebrew. I did qualitative research using player footage found on common video platforms. The findings were communicated and well-received by the studio. More details in this article

  3. Lead Game UX Researcher | *ScoreSpace* | ****Nov 2021- Aug 2022

    Leading a small team of classmates in Game User Experience for the account of ScoreSpace. With provided game builds, I designed and planned play-testing sessions both online and in-person and then performed both qualitative and quantitative research with observed data to give the company precise feedback and detailed reports (example) to guide the game development.

  4. Full-stack developper | ISICS Gmbh | Dec 2019 - Jul 2021

    Worked on the company's main product “isiApps” designing and implementing functionalities, working on large data representations, statistics and writing testing scenarios using Laravel (PHP), VueJS (Javascript) and SQL database. The everyday use of Jira, Bitbucket (git) and Confluence forged my skills in communication, as well as code/documentation management and maintenance.

📜 Certificates

  1. GUX Research Classes | GUR - Steve Bromley | Jul 2023

    After graduating, I chose to further deepen my knowledge in game user research with classes from Steve Bromley. Those teachings allowed me to consolidate the knowledge I had from my master’s classes while learning a more professional way to produce a reliable report.

👨🏽‍💻 Technical Skills

🫱🏽‍🫲🏻 Soft Skills

documentation maintenance, project management, patience, team communication, problem-solving, pedagogy